Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Gift of Good Works

A person's gift opens doors for him,
bringing him access to important people.
(Proverbs 18:16)

Do you know the origins of the modern day handshake? I cannot say for certain, but all indications are that the gesture dates back to ancient times. One explanation is that in historic times, an outstretched handshake signaled that neither participant was carrying a weapon. In other words, I come in peace, to do you no harm. I started thinking about handshakes yesterday as I participated in a business development meeting and wondered how I gained access to the audience and the people in the room.

In my head, I hear the words: You were born with grace. That grace is your gift, a divine enablement that gives you confidence to do the work you are purposed to do. So, I sit in these meetings with companies that are much larger than Latrobe, who have more resources, yet I have no trouble communicating what we bring to the table. One of the exercises in the business development accelerator is to be able to visualize, write, and articulate the future state of your business three years from now. In other words, I have access to this audience, not because of who I am today, but because of what we are being prepared for…GREATER WORKS!!!
I used to be afraid to share my vision with others, thinking that someone might steal my idea and implement it before I could. As I learn more about grace, I realize that because my talents are enabled from On High, I do not have to worry because what God has for me is for me. My gift works only for me. Sharing the vision demonstrates confidence that I trust and believe what God He is doing through me. And when people see my confidence, they want to help. My divine gift, what I was purposed to accomplish, opens doors for me and allows me to meet the people who are pre-destined to enable these good works.

I have been graced to have audiences with influential people to discuss our vision for educating and training through workforce readiness initiatives. These are the decision makers who have expressed a need to fill manufacturing or industrial jobs, either today or in the near future, and have the ability to hire. We agree on the next set of shared deliverables and expectations and we shake hands, signaling that we are not carrying weapons (or competing). In this instance, concerns of harm are replaced with a shared desire to help both companies succeed and to improve employment conditions in our community.

Each of us has a gift or a talent that was divinely designed for His purpose. I challenge you to work your gift, operate in your grace, and watch it manifest into good works. What is your gift? Feel free to comment, or, send me an email at If you like this post and want to catch up on some of my previous discussions, please visit the full Purposed Work blog at

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