Monday, June 24, 2013

Good NETWorking

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.

People come into your life for a blessing or a lesson. I have probably blocked or delayed many blessings because of my natural tendency: my preference is not to engage in idle conversation at the grocery story, social events, airports, etc. So when I make a networking connection, I do not take it lightly as mere coincidence. By faith, I believe that when a person crosses your path, there is a purpose. It may not be obvious at first. I have learned to seek direction and clear understanding on whether the meeting is meant for a reason, a season, or a lifetime***.

  • A REASON is to help you with a need by providing direction or support. The relationship ends when the work is done.
  • A SEASON is to help you with a transformation by growing or evolving through some temporary period of work.
  • A LIFETIME is to help you with a foundation for building up all other relationships in your purposed work.
***To read Brian Chalker’s A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime Poem in its entirety, go to

I am becoming more pro-active at networking because I understand the value of letting people know what I do. I used to think that who I knew mattered most, but in today’s climate, who knows me is just as important.  My travel schedule has increased so I have perfected the delivery of the business card, elevator pitch, and tag line to leave an impression. A closed mouth does not get fed and I refuse to miss any more blessings because I did not speak up and ask for what I want.
Last week, I was at a customer site in North Florida where my host introduced me as an engineer from Arkansas. Someone in the office volunteered that he was still waiting on an invitation to go duck hunting. I never mentioned that I was from Stuttgart, home of world renowned duck hunting. I compiled the market information I was intended to gather, and prayerfully, left a positive impression. Yet I walked away from the meeting, knowing that this was not coincidental, that one day, I will have full understanding of whether the interaction is for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. It is not happenstance that someone mentioned duck hunting in my presence. I am seeking direction on the blessing or the lesson.

Networking is no longer an option; it is a requirement for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and community leaders. What do you do to leave an impression of your good works? Let us know by commenting or sending me an email at If you like this post and want to catch up on some of my previous discussions, please visit the full Purposed Work blog at

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