Monday, June 17, 2013

Doing Good Works

Do what God's word says.
Don't merely listen to it…
 (James 1:22)

Consulting is cyclical, either feast or famine. While I would prefer to be home more this month because my son is participating in a traveling summer track league, customers are demanding the exact opposite: I am on the road more in this season because the manufacturing plants are busy filling existing orders and investing in process improvements to prepare for future demand. When you are in business for yourself, you DO, by going where and when the work exists, so I won’t complain.

A true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer, said Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese. On the surface, one might ask what these two products and brands have in common. Bushnell, who describes himself as a “serial entrepreneur” offers this advice: Focus on doing. ACT! His drive to DO resulted in Bushnell becoming one of the innovators of the video gaming industry. To learn more about Bushnell, visit

During a slow period earlier this year, I started working on a concrete material supply project for the business. I conducted research on the local market, the local competition, and the regional sub-contractors who could be potential partners/mentors in expanding our quotations capabilities, evaluated optional entry points where we could provide value, and socialized the potential synergies throughout the region. And as often happens in my world, the manufacturing activity increased before I had an opportunity to launch. However, I am a firm believer that everything that happens has a purpose, so the work is not void. In this case: imagine my surprise when I recently sat next to someone on a flight who is engaged in manufacturing ancillary products for concrete. Guess where my work is taking me in a few weeks? As an entrepreneur, I understand the importance to DO the work, even when the results are not obvious immediately. You never know where it may lead you.

In manufacturing, we often refer to the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process for improvement. It is a continuous cycle that illustrates striving for perfection. In my spiritual journey, I am a witness that faith and actions work together, so that by these good works, my faith is perfected. My spiritual process includes accepting that I must

  • PLAN the work but trust in the Lord to direct me toward His will.
  • DO the work. Faith by itself without work is dead.
  • CHECK my heart to examine that my actions are lead by the Spirit and not to satisfy natural desires.
  • ACT in obedience, even when the work is outside of my comfort zone or yields no immediate results.
The scripture reference above is often shortened to read be ye doers of the word. How will you begin fulfilling that purposed work that you are dreaming? It is time to be obedient to the word by DOing what you have been called to do in the Spirit. What is your first step? Let us know by commenting or sending me an email at If you like this post and want to catch up on some of my previous discussions, please visit the full Purposed Work blog at

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