Friday, May 24, 2013

Greater Works

…whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing,
and they will do even greater works than these…
(John 14:12)
I have a confession. Remember Ally McBeal and her theme songs? Well not only do I have theme songs, I have theme words flowing through my spirit. In the past, my theme words simply defined my then phase of maturation: healed, delivered, sowed, harvest, released. However, now, I am in a season where my theme word is an adjective: GREATER!!!

I used to work for a manufacturing company whose mission statement, vision statement, and quality policy were all one and the same: More. Better. Faster. Three small words that drove every organizational decision related to processes and products. The entire organization was aligned to those three words and was inspired to delivering, thus providing the drive to propel the company to become the global market leader.

That experience reminds me of current season. I suddenly have renewed energy for doing the work I have been graced to do. And in true form, as I accept my mission, I am constantly bombarded with subtle and overt reminders of GREATER: Greater Mt. Corinth MBC, Greater Port Arthur COC, greater trials, greater pressures, greater successes. And my current theme song that resonates with my theme word is titled GREATER and contains these lyrics: if it had not been for the pressing, I would have never been able to walk into my destiny. He's preparing me for GREATER!

My definition of greater is having more influence, or reach, than I ever imagined. God never gives me an assignment without showing me His provision for completion. I asked Him to enlarge my territory and to grant me favor to be a blessing to others. Three ways that He's proven Himself in this prayer include:

GREATER Reach...Through the blog, I have opened up to sharing my experiences and journey of walking by faith. I am amazed at the people who are following, watching, and deciding, if He’s doing it for you, He’ll do it for me too. I am humbled by emails from people around the world thanking me for sharing and asking questions about the process.

GREATER Vision...Through the target audience for my work, I have learned that women are not the only population who should consider careers in manufacturing--that we really need to educate young people in general about the possibilities if we are going to be prepared for the future. And when He says do not worry about what to say or how to say it, I cannot explain how we have been able to get audiences with some influential people to discuss our vision for educating and training through workforce readiness initiatives.

GREATER Faith...Through the sharing of my testimony, I have gained greater confidence in knowing that through Him, I can accomplish more than I ever imagined possible. When I look back on everything that has happened in my life and on this journey of faith, I can genuinely appreciate all of the pressing and preparations to be blessed to walk into my destiny. By faith, I believe that GREATER WORKS are coming!

Now that I have shared my theme song and my theme word for this season, I invite you to share yours. What word or song is resonating in your spirit and inspiring you to do the work that you have been commissioned to do? Feel free to comment, or, send me an email at If you like this post and want to catch up on some of my previous discussions on manufacturing and economic diversity, please visit the full Purposed Work blog at

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