by itself is dead
if it doesn't cause you to do any good things
(James 2:17)
I am so glad that February is over. Within my circle of friends, it seems to be the peak to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), where otherwise high functioning, productive leaders fall into this funk about the current state of their lives. Perhaps it is the lack of sunlight or the inclement weather that zaps the energy, leaving self reflective time to feel sad. To prevent myself from having the winter blues, I purposely use the inside time to journal about where I am and what I plan to do (when the weather breaks) to reach my goals.
Every product or practice began as a
thought. I remember when I started to have serious thoughts of leaving my corporate
job. It was during a period of the frustration when my natural work did not
feed my passion. I thought about an exercise that I learned at a leadership
conference. The attendees were asked to consider the following questions:
drives you?
What disturbs you?
What do you disturb?
Your passion and purposed
work should reflect what triggers you to want to do good things.
Wanting to do good works is a first
step that must be followed up by actions that demonstrate wanting and planning
to achieve the goal. It is natural to become overwhelmed with the details of
how and when, or the doubts of fear or failure. That’s why drive and passion so
important in a faith journey. In the words of Margaret Shepard: sometimes
your only available transportation is a leap of faith. Keep pushing to
move forward.
Image selected from the “Because of Them, We Can” Campaign http://www.becauseofthemwecan.com/ |
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