Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FAITH: Facing Adversity Instead of Turning and Hiding

In my last post, I shared my journey to find my Purposed Work in manufacturing. I started with my professional work, yet I had a lot of other jobs along the path. And while I was looking for a topic for the next installment, this came to me from a couple of sources: Any job is better than no job. It's not forever. It's merely a stepping stone.

You are a product of your environment. Well, I grew up on Rose Street in Stuttgart, AR. It may not sound like much, but we had a community of families who had faith. Our parents had jobs, sometimes two or three—doing whatever it took to keep the family afloat. Those cooks, drivers, city workers, hospital employees, mechanics, mill workers produced offspring who today are educators, nurses, pharmacists, labor managers, chefs, mechanics, engineers, medical technicians, beauticians, business owners, and community leaders.

We have come this far by faith (Hebrews 11:1-6). Trust that everything that happens in life has a purpose. It’s how you respond to the circumstance that makes the difference. For this post, FAITH is defined as Facing Adversity, Instead of Turning and Hiding.

I got my first job twenty-five years ago. I was a Hamburger Hostess, then known as a cashier, at a local dairy bar and grill. Our family only had one car at the time, so I needed something that was within walking distance from home. It’s funny, I thought I wanted an office job, but God knew I needed a job where I could work 20-30 hours per week (I had a plan to get a car). As it turned out, the restaurant was owned by a local family known for paying bonuses. So at the tender age of 16, I got my first Christmas bonus. It was not a lot, but it was enough to give me extra money for Christmas presents for my family and to start that savings account for my car. By faith, I believe you will harvest what you plant (Galatians 6:7). By April, I was rolling in the Sunbird. I worked at that job until I graduated from high school.

I got fired from a job twenty years ago. I was in college, trying to make ends meet. A lot of friends were working in telemarketing and making good money, so I gave it a try. I was an introvert, so small talk was not my thing. Try as I might, I could never close the deal selling anyone something they did not need. I was telling my story one day in the Student Union, some counselor overheard me talking, and suggested that I get a job on campus as a tutor. By faith, I believe you will reap a harvest if you do not give up (Galatians 6:9). I was at the right place at the appointed time to find a job that allowed me to do good by serving a need. I worked at that job until I graduated from undergraduate.

I got some jobs I did not ask for during the twenty years I worked in corporate America. Shortly after James and I got married, I took a job as a plant engineer. Less than two months after I started, the plant manager took me to lunch one day and explained that they were looking to promote the current quality manager and informed me that he wanted to list me in the succession plan. Really? Six months later, while the corporate office announced reductions-in-force and salaries, I was promoted to Quality Manager. Two years later, I announced I was pregnant and thought I would get reprimanded (long story about working in a male-dominated field). Instead, I was named Plant Engineering Manager. I never applied or interviewed for any of these or other moves throughout my career. (Ironically, I did not get most of the jobs that I applied for out of ego). By faith, I believe if you have an opportunity to do good to all people, unexpected harvest will return to you (Galatians 6:10).   I worked at the last company until I retired from corporate America to do my purposed work.

By faith, I believe, if you want a job that leads to your purpose, it’s yours. Exercise your faith that any job is better than no job, but merely a stepping stone en-route to your destiny. Companies are hiring. Here’s a link to several companies hiring in large volumes that lists the types of jobs that need to be filled:
We're Hiring

The next step is yours. Remember, faith without works is dead (James 2:17).

FAITH is Facing Adversity, Instead of Turning and Hiding.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

You Have Not Because You Ask Not!!!

As the nation gets ready to listen to a political message about jobs, I thought I would share my journey about how I got started in manufacturing and realized my calling to fulfill. Conventional wisdom says that the current lack of jobs is because that the economy is in a chicken-egg cycle: employers are not hiring because they have no new customers for the goods; people need jobs in order to buy said goods. For those people looking for jobs, I suggest standing on the promise: You have not because you ask not (James 4:2).  Ask for a job and your purposed work!

I’ll be honest. I went to college so that I could get a job paying better than that of a high school graduate. I was fortunate to have scholarships, so I do not know the entire cost of my undergraduate education. If I had to guess, I would estimate $10k per year for everything, or about $40k. And in 1993, my starting salary was $32k per year, so using quick math, it was easy to justify the return on the investment.

My first job out of college was in a turkey processing plant. I remember when I told Big Mama where I was going to be working; her initial reaction was “we sent you to engineering school for four years to learn how to cut up turkeys?” It was not the sexy job I envisioned, but the management skills I learned were essential to my destiny. I learned how to effectively get things done, from the turkey farm to the conference room. More importantly, I earned credibility and hands on experience of everything from hatcheries to further processing to transportation and logistics (ask me about how turkeys are artificially inseminated). In other words:  Grow where you are planted (1 Corinthians 7:17).

I come from a tithing family, so it was natural for me to give at my new professional level. Proverbs 3:9-10 says to Honor the Lord with your wealth (tithes) and your barns will be filled with overflow (blessings). You have to have an exchange to receive God’s blessings. Giving tithes releases these blessings. I like the way He explains it in Malachi 3:10: Test me in this, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. My blessing was the opportunity to take those management skills and apply them in a new industry. I started working in the compact disc manufacturing industry. I was there for launch of Playstation and DVD platforms (much sexier than turkeys, right?). This company offered tuition reimbursement, so I took advantage of that while working and earned a Master’s degree in Business. Most importantly, during this season I met and married the man prepared especially for me! Blessed!!!

James and I were both career-oriented, so we have moved several times throughout our marriage. Our first move was for James, and I relocated on faith, with no job. But My Father has a plan, power, and provisions (Joshua 1:1-11) for His leaders. I always wanted to work in heavy manufacturing, and he had prepared for me a job that would provide engineering, marketing, and technology experience on both a local and global level. I did not understand it then, but He was arranging everything required for me to be able to lead my own manufacturing company.  His requirement for me: Be strong and very courageous. Be careful and obey the word (Joshua 1:7).

If you are one of those people looking for work, I know the short-term outlook is gloomy. What is impossible with man is possible with God (Luke 18:27). It’s 2011 and many of my friends are preparing to send their children to college, faced with a different challenge.  I have heard more than one story about skyrocketed college costs of over $40k per year. Putting that into perspective, after about five years, the cost of that child’s education is $200k. I cannot predict the future, however, I wonder what types of jobs will be paying $150k+ starting salary in 2016.

As a business owner, I am integrated into both large and small manufacturing operations. One of the common needs is skilled labor-vocational style jobs like welders, machinists, operators, etc. None of these jobs require a four-year degree, and can actually be used as a stepping stone to advance within progressive companies.

If you or your child is among the many faced with finding a sustainable career option, I suggest looking into manufacturing opportunities. Here’s a link to the most recent data explaining 25 consecutive months of industry expansion (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-01/u-s-august-ism-manufacturing-report-on-business-text-.html). I started in turkey processing and look at where He has taken me. If you do not know where or how to get started, give me a call and let’s discuss what jobs are available in your area. I will end this post the same way I started it: You have not because you ask not (James 4:2).  Ask for a job and your purposed work!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where Is Your Faith?

It’s been a year since I took the leap of faith to start Latrobe. And my, how things have progressed! I asked God to order my steps (Psalm 119:33) and not only has He given me the vision for this engineering services company, but He has provided an avenue for two offices. Within the span of one year, I have an operation in Uniontown, supporting Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia manufacturing activities; but before my 41st birthday, I will have in operation a second office in Port Arthur, supporting southeast Texas and Louisiana. God is good.

This summer, He revealed some things to me.  In May, when I did not win the Women in Technology Award, He told me that the night was to show me where He was preparing me to play. According to His word in 1 Corinthians 2:9, it is written: No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. Just continue to walk in faith…

The move to TX took a lot more adjustment for our family than I planned. As such, I did not work/travel as much this summer, choosing instead to be home for James and Quincy. In the natural, I began to tithe based on the incoming revenues, which were lower than the first three quarters of operations. During the same time, I started to hear Reverend James Cleveland’s song frequently on the radio, ministering directly to me, according to Luke 8: 25--Where is your faith?

What’s the opposite of faith?  FEAR: false evidence appearing real. Our cost of living increased. I hired my first employee to manage the Uniontown office and we saw the opportunity to expand the operation into Texas.  Along with that comes the expense of marketing material, new office infrastructure, more payroll costs, etc.  Did I also mention that we have two kids: one preparing for his second year of college and one preparing to find his way as a student athlete?  God was testing us, to see if we would respond out of fear or faith. He already knew what He was planning to do for us (John 6:6).

Givers are gainers. You should give at the level that you expect to be blessed. We decided to start giving at a radical level, standing on the promises found in Luke 6:38--Give and I’ll give it back to you, good measure, shaken together and running over. The proverbial windows were opened and the blessings started to pour. The funny thing is that I do not have the contracts signed that will pay for some of my obligations, but if you could see the details of my lease agreement or some of the project negotiations in process, then you’ll agree that it’s a good bet we can continue to tithe at this level. In the meantime, I can hold fast to Psalm 23:1—The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want!!! We walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

This journey of Latrobe is not about our family’s financial stability. We have more than we need. I asked God to use me and He gave me a vision that utilizes my passion for manufacturing to create jobs. We are blessed, so I asked God to enlarge our territory, like He did for Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10), so that we may be a blessing to others. Stay tuned for more updates on those jobs.

In the meantime, I leave you with these lyrics: You can’t beat God’s giving, no matter how you try. The more you give, the more He gives to you. Just keep on giving because it’s really true. You can’t beat God’s giving, no matter how you try.

The Best of Both Worlds

Part of my motivation to pursue my entrepreneurial spirit was to allow flexible time for Q. As a working mom, I was torn between whether it’s better to be home for your kids when they’re younger or older. I asked God to provide a season for me to be home, according to John 14:14, if you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. By standing on the promises, He made a way for me to spend the summer of 2011 with Q as we transitioned from PA to SETX.

James and I are advocates for public school. As such, we purchased our homes in communities with the best educational programs. In both PA and TX, those communities were both semi-rural with little diversity. In Lumberton, Quincy is the only black child in the Intermediate School (4th – 6th grades, about 900 students). For cultural balance, we make a concerted effort to have him involved in programs in Beaumont, where there is greater ethnic diversity (but, unfortunately did not meet our criteria for exceptional middle school educational programs).

We opted to move during the school year so that Q could become familiar with the local community and meet new kids during the summer. Sports is big in TX, so he could participate in a summer track club in Beaumont, which would help him condition for fall football league in Lumberton. Generally speaking, the track team was predominately black, while the football will be predominately white.

Q had a couple of incidences during the transition. We were driving home from his first day of VBS, and he casually shared this: White kids tease me because I’m black. Black kids tease me because they are bullies. (of course, my heart ached for him). I asked him how it made him feel. He told me it was OK because he does have friends. This was a proud mommy-moment because I know this experience is building character and wisdom (Matthew 21:16—out of the mouths of babes comes praise).

I mentioned VBS because this was another of our purposed efforts for balance. During the same week in July, we enrolled him in a morning VBS offered by a church in our local community, attended by several kids in the neighborhood. In the evening, he attended a VBS in Beaumont, hosted at the church of a new acquaintance. Again, the kids attending VBS in Lumberton were predominately white, while the kids in Beaumont were predominately black. Thankfully, Q enjoyed both sessions.

I am thankful to be there as a witness and to make general observations. One thing that I noticed, based on these few experiences, is differences on how kids are grouped. In track, he was grouped with the older kids. Q did not win many races against 12-year olds, BUT, he was fastest kid on the field when he tried out for fourth and fifth grade football league. At VBS, in Beaumont he was placed by the grade he was advancing (fifth and sixth grade), while in Lumberton, he was placed by the grade he just completed (third and fourth grade).
As a mom exposing Q to two worlds, which is best? In one world, he is stretched to compete at the next level. In the other world, he has the confidence that comes when you know what you know what you know what you know. Regardless of the world, the one thing I know is that as long as the Son of God is for us, everything will be ok. Now unto Him that is able to keep us (Ephesians 3:20)!

Donnie McClurkin's Ooh Child

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Hannah Story

It’s a new season in the Robinson household. Our time in western PA has come to an end. We’re packing up the family and moving to Texas, Beaumont, that is.  Congrats to James on his promotion to Exec at FCI Beaumont!!!

With everything that’s going on with Latrobe, I asked God, are you serious? His response, do you trust me? My response, show me a sign for the house you’ve selected for our new home. His response, read up on Hannah (1 Samuel 1; 2).

Turns out that Hannah is an example of how God uses desperation to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Hannah did not have children, but she made a vow to God that if He gave her a son, she would sacrifice her son for His use and service. Not only did He give her Samuel, but He blessed her to have other children.

When the student is ready, real learning begins. Hannah means favor and grace. The sub-division He guided us to is Gracelake Estates. Our new house will be on Hannah Lane!

I have been so concerned about what happens with Latrobe when we move. He asked me again, do you trust me? Latrobe’s success has nothing to do with me. He’s using my desperation to truly know my purposed work on Earth to show me how He blesses those who trust him and wait on His time table. My vow: to sacrifice Latrobe for His complete use and service.

God have me the vision for Latrobe. He told me that we would bring souls to the kingdom and bring food to the table with jobs created through Latrobe. Like Hannah, He’s testing me to strengthen and prepare me to have love, patience, faith, and self-control. His word to me, according to Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord, with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.

This is not the first time that Beaumont was a destination on the Robinson journey of life. When we were first married, James applied for a position there. However, God ordered our steps and sent us to North Augusta first. Jeremiah 29:11-For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. In North Augusta, I worked for the company that positioned us to move to PA, and provided all the tests and retest to know my heart (Deuteronomy 8:2).  He’s closing doors in PA and opening new doors and opportunities in Beaumont.

God sent me to the story of Hannah to give me a living example of what happens when you continue to pray. He constantly reassures me that He has His hands on me. He said in His word, according to Hebrews 11:6, without faith it is impossible to please him. My response:

Richard Smallwood's Trust Me!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Birthplace of Latrobe

Anyone who knows me knows my passion for manufacturing. Ask me what I love and I’ll gladly share my strange fetish for the smell of metal & hydraulic fluid or the sound of machines & grinding wheels. So I thought it was strange when I was offered a job in my then-employer’s corporate office in Latrobe, PA. Not only was I leaving my comfort zone in my work environment, but I was also leaving my comfort zone in my cultural and social circle…

In 2005, we moved to Appalachia (western PA and WV). I grew up in AR, but this was the coldest, oldest, grayest place I had ever lived.  However, this move was by divine order. (Later I would understand God’s plan for taking us out of our comfort zone and putting us in a place so remotely foreign that we would start to seek him.) By divine order, I mean that everything fell into place: home, childcare, support network. We had a change in lifestyle and an increase in social status.

In order to accommodate our two career family, we decided to split the commute. James drove south 1.5 hours daily to work in WV and I drove 2.0 hours north. We left home at dark, returned at dark, and barely had time for dinner and homework before it was time to get ready for the next day. And to add to this, we were both working on terminal degrees. We lived for the weekends, which quickly became consumed with Quincy’s activities.

Fastforward to 2009: During the economic downturn, my company responded by asking all employees to take 10% paycuts and monthly furloughs. Financially, we did not miss it. Actually, I discovered we could get by on a lot less. And I enjoyed being home with Quincy. I started reading my bible more, which lead me to start seeking my divine purpose. My scripture, according to Matthew 7:7:  Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

By this time, I was over the commute, over leaving my child very early every morning, over corporate America, and over seeking the C-suite. I desired a career that required me to visit a manufacturing shop. I believe in American manufacturing and its importance in sustaining the middle class economy.

For over four years, I passed the sign welcoming me to Latrobe and one day in 2009 it finally dawned on me that God brought us to Latrobe so that I could hear His voice and understand His vision for my life. So this became the birthplace for LaTRobe (Latanyua T. Robinson Enterprise).

Jeremiah 29:11-For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. As I began to pray and seek the word, He began to reveal things. And I started to visualize how God was using me to witness to others of His goodness. How else could a girl child from AR, born to a single-teenaged mother, rise up and become devoted to job creation, especially in the industrial manufacturing sector? His word to me, according to Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord, with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.

Everyone who knows me also knows that James keeps me grounded. I was ready to walk away from my job in January 2010, but James said, “Hold up! Girls from Stuttgart don’t just walk away from six-figure jobs to pursue a dream. You have to have a plan and revenue flow before you can quit, retire, etc.”

P.U.S.H. and things just started happening. I started meeting people and getting invited to events. One day, a former colleague called and asked if I could help him with some consulting; in turn, he would help me tweak and execute my business plan for LaTRobe.

On August 23, 2010, two days before my 40th birthday, I was able to announce my retirement from corporate America so that I could pursue my destined purpose. Through God, I had done what I had to do until I could do what I want to do. Mark 11: 24—whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

LaTRobe is dedicated to job creation in industrial manufacturing. We assist local manufacturers in competing globally by providing contract manufacturing, process engineering, and strategic marketing services. Phase 1-contract services. Phase 2-intellectual property. Phase 3-asset ownership. We will provide jobs that support advanced energy and defense technologies.  According to Romans 4:17: call on those things that are not as though they are!!!

F.A.I.T.H:  For All I Trust Him!!!